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The Adventures of Jurassic Pet: Return to the Wild

Not Rated
AdventureFamilyScience FictionComedy
6/10(1 ratings)

When a documentary film crew discovers the magical doorway to the land of dinosaurs, they encounter and capture a little dinosaur named Spike.

1h 30m
The Adventures of Jurassic Pet: Return to the Wild
Backdrop for The Adventures of Jurassic Pet: Return to the Wild

Main Cast

Ava Torres

Ava Torres

Unknown Character

Ava Torres is an American Actress based out of Houston, TX. Ava is represented by Page Parkes Texas and 11:11 Entertainment California. She is known for her lead roles in the short films Hard to Place (Emma, 2019) and Radley (Uriel, 2020) along with supporting roles in various other short films. Ava can be seen in the feature films, American Cherry (2020) and Chocolate Covered Christmas (2020), where she plays the younger version of the lead character in both films. She can also be seen in the thriller/horror feature film, Host (2020), starring alongside Matt Passmore and Danielle Harris as well as the action/thriller feature film, The Cure Game (2021) where she has a strong supporting role. Ava also has numerous commercial campaigns, internet ads, and print work on her resume.

Known For

Marila Lombrozo

Marila Lombrozo

Unknown Character

Known For

Brooks Ryan

Brooks Ryan

Unknown Character

Brooks grew up in a small Oklahoma town and was the middle child of three boys who did nothing but play some sort of sport year round. Baseball was the preferred choice and being a son to a father who coached it at the college level for 38 years and Great-Nephew to the late Mickey Mantle, he was not short on experiencing it a different level than most. Brooks excelled at baseball, along with basketball and football throughout high school and thus didn't began pursuing acting until later in his life. He knew he wanted to act from the age of twelve when walking out of a theater after watching Good Will Hunting and knew he wanted to perform in a way to move people's emotions the way he had just been moved. For Brooks, the seed was planted. After four years of college baseball and an undergrad Business Management degree, Brooks went on to grad school where he earned a Masters Degree of Ed in Sports Administration, before he finally began pouring water over that seed through classes, workshops, seminars and other methods. These learning tools combined with becoming a husband and father helped Brooks tap into the ever growing emotional peaks and valleys of life, thus helping him to become the performer he is today.

Known For

Cody Pennington

Cody Pennington

Unknown Character

Known For

Movie Details

Production Info

Ryan Bellgardt, Chris Hoyt
Chris Hoyt, Jerome Reygner-Kalfon, Sebastien Semon
Ace Entertainment Films

Locations and Languages


Adventures of Jurassic Pet Collection