Disaster unfolds when a meteor strikes a small town, turning the environment uninhabitable and killing everything in the surrounding area. Exobiologist Lauren Stone is called to find answers to the unearthly event. As she begins to uncover the truth, imminent danger awakens and it becomes a race against time to save mankind.
1h 49m
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Melissa's recent work includes appearing in Heath Davis' widely acclaimed festive film Christmess (2023), which premiered at the Austin Film Festival in 2023. The award winning short Two Dollars (2023) featured on SBS and a small supporting role as Fiona Simons in the indie horror feature The Haunting at Saint Joseph's (2023).
2023 saw Melissa take on a new role as Casting Director for Parish Malfitano's second feature, a supernatural Drama/Horror, Salt Along the Tongue, featuring an all-female ensemble cast, which is currently in post-production.
Her role in the short film The Intruders (2020), had her nominated for Best Actress at the Made in the West Film Festival in 2020.
Additional credits include a lead role in crime re-enactment for the 60 Minutes episode 'Captive', numerous short films including, Upsold (2019), The Life of Baldrick (2017), Swipe Left (2017), Hold the Pineapple (2017) and Skit Box video 'The UTI Dance.'
Marcus Johnson is an American actor known for acting in Australian films. He is most known for his role as Max, Mia's father, in the 2023 film, Talk To Me.