Sophie is a troubled young girl, haunted by the abuse she suffered as a child and harbouring a deep fascination with the unexplained. In the hope of satiating her obsession with the latter, she instigates a trip to the Welsh countryside with four friends, aimed at tracking down the legendary Beast of Bodmin. It seems the mythical creature – often thought to be a large wildcat or fox – has caught the public's attention once more thanks to a spate of attacks on livestock and one local farmer. Armed with a video camera and a case of beer, the group head off into the woods but they soon uncover much more than they bargained for, with Sophie falling foul of a mysterious madman who locks her away in an apparent attempt to protect her from some unnamed terror.
Main Cast
Movie Details
Production Info
- Production:
- BTG McInnes Corporate Finance, Splintered Films, Not a Number
- Budget:
- $2,300,000
Key Crew
- Producer:
- Sarada McDermott
- Executive Producer:
- Clive Parsons
Locations and Languages
- Country:
- US; GB
- Filming:
- GB
- Languages:
- en