"Sideline Secrets" follows the story of high-schooler Devon Tyler. With the perfect girlfriend, a successful family, being at the top of his class and about to graduate, all seems perfect. However underneath it all, all is not what it seems. With the heightened awareness of his sexual identity, the screaming and slamming doors of his feuding parents and an overbearing persona of his girlfriend put forth, things couldn't get more difficult... or so he thinks. That is until a new boy enters his life and proves to be the missing key that brings everything together... Full of romance, suspense and secrets abound, "Sideline Secrets" is sure to leave you on the sidelines wanting more!
1h 36m
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Michael Haboush was born on August 25, 1969 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA as Michael Richard Haboush. He is an actor and director, known for Hollow Man (2000), Ben & Arthur (2002) and A Slice of Terror (2004).
Steven Vasquez is a producer, director, cinematographer and editor, known for Sideline Secrets (2008), Triple Crossed (2013) and Eroddity(s) (2015). Born in Anaheim, California to Mike and Hope Vasquez, Stevens early interests were building homemade haunted houses, going to Disneyland and making home movies. Steven loved film though he never aspired to a Hollywood career. His dream was to make small low budget movies in his home and local neighborhoods and maybe build a small following. That dream was long in coming when he went to work at AT&T in order to support his new family. 12 years later in his early 30s he was diagnosed with schizophrenia. Unable to work and at the urging of his Doctor he took up a very expensive hobby - Filmmaking. Over the course of a year and a half he made his first short film Rose and Alexander. He was in the hospital when he learned his film was selected to show at a festival. He won Best Short film and Best Director. More important then the awards though was his new friendship with Laura Reilly, the films lead. She became his muse and guiding light through several dark times. Steven has learned to use his affliction in a most artistic fashion. To say his dark mostly erotic films are non linear is an understatement. One reviewer said of his film A Siren in the DarK. "There are plot holes you can drive a Mack truck through and the editor must have been on crack, but still you must see this film!" Steven has four children and is a proud grandfather of one. Although he's gay he has been faithfully married to his wife Sandra for over 35 years.
William Ngo was born in Monterey Park, California. He grew up there in the San Gabriel Valley of L.A. County. He went to West Covina High School where he was on the wrestling team as well as on the boards of numerous student organizations on top of taking Honors classes. He then went to UC Irvine where he studied sociology and then studied advertising at Cal State Fullerton, but then discovered that acting is his true calling. He trained at Playhouse West for over three years where had the honor of studying under Jeff Goldblum. He became a member of the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences in 2016, which gave him the honor and privilege of voting on and attending the Emmys.