Otaku Unite! is a feature-length documentary on the history of Japanese animation fandom in the United States: from the importation of anime in the early 60s to the current boom in both the visibility and accessibility of its accompanying fandom.
1h 10m
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Peter Fernandez (born: January 29, 1927 in New York, NY. Died July 15, 2010 in Pomona, NY.) was an American actor, voice director, and writer. Despite a career extending from the 1930s, he is best known for his roles in the 1967 anime Speed Racer. Fernandez co-wrote the scripts, was the voice director, and created the English-language version of the theme song. He was instrumental in introducing many Japanese anime series to English-speaking audiences.
Matt K. Miller was born in Rockville Center, New York, USA. He is an actor, known for Tenchi the Movie - Tenchi Muyo in Love (1996), Princess Mononoke (1997) and Final Fantasy X-2 (2003). He has been married to Katherine Pappa since May 7, 2006. They have one child.
Gilles Poitras is a Canadian author of books relating to anime and manga. He was a librarian at Golden Gate University in San Francisco for many years. In addition to the books he has authored, Poitras also regularly contributed columns to Newtype USA, a former monthly magazine which covered anime and manga industry and related popular culture.
Poitras has appeared in several documentaries discussing various aspects of anime and manga fan culture, and has been a guest at over 35 fan and industry conventions.