The movie revolves around a tribe who are living isolated in the forest area and their lives. Chandru and Shivan are two close friends lives in a tribal village in the midst of the forest with their sisters Karthika Mathew and Chembagam (Charmy Kaur) respectively. Chandru is in love with Chembagam and Shivan is in love with Karthika Mathew.
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Jayasurya is an Indian film actor and comedian. He has starred in more than 75 Malayalam films. Jayasurya made his debut in 2001 in the Malayalam film Dosth as a junior artist. Oomappenninu Uriyadappayyan was his break-out role. His performances in films include Swapnakkoodu, Pulival Kalyanam, Chathikkatha Chanthu, Classmates, Arabikkatha, Shakespeare M.A. Malayalam, and Gulumaal. By the 2010s, Jayasurya had started acting in more drama-centric roles with films such as Cocktail, Beautiful, Janapriyan,Trivandrum Lodge, English, Punyalan Agarbattis, Happy Journey, Apothecary, Iyobinte Pusthakam, Lal Bahadur Shastri and Seconds Malayalam Movie.
Anoop Menon is an Indian film actor, director, screenwriter and lyricist. He worked in television before finding success as an actor in Malayalam films.
Harisree Ashokan is an Indian film actor who is known for his comedy roles in Malayalam films. He has acted in more than 100 Malayalam films. He started his career as a mimicry artist in Harisree and then worked in Kalabhavan, Kochi.