Andie Bergstrom, an astronaut eagerly awaiting her first trip to space, runs a summer camp for teenagers with her NASA-employed husband, Zach. One night during an engine test, Andie and four teenage campers are accidentally shot into space. Together, the group -- which includes Kathryn, a pilot-in-training, and Tish, a ditz with a perfect memory -- must work together to operate the spacecraft and return home.
Main Cast
Movie Details
Production Info
- Director:
- Harry Winer
- Production:
- ABC Motion Pictures
- Revenue:
- $9,697,739
- Budget:
- $18,000,000
Key Crew
- Screenplay:
- Clifford Green
- Screenplay:
- Casey T. Mitchell
- Stunt Coordinator:
- Donna Keegan
- Casting:
- Mike Fenton
- Director of Photography:
- William A. Fraker
Locations and Languages
- Country:
- US
- Filming:
- US
- Languages:
- en